Community Outreach Growing Together
We're doing our part to preserve local canopy coverage and educating our community about the value of trees in the urban setting.
Partnerships & Projects
We are so inspired by the many folks out there working on ecological projects. It's always an honour and a pleasure when we have the chance to work alongside them.
Thank you to the volunteers for their dedication and to the organizations who bring us in to help make a difference!
Arborist mulch donations
Installing mulch on planting projects helps to retain soil moisture, releases nutrients into the soil, improves soil biology, reduces soil compaction, and improves soil aeration and drainage.
We donate arborist mulch to multiple community projects including Project Watershed for their Courtenay Airpark and Kus-kus-sum projects, and to various community gardens such as Lake Trail Community Education Society.

Supporting Ecological Restoration with Tree Work
We've provided tree work on various ecological projects such as:
Comox Valley Naturlists Society - subordinating conifers to prevent shading and allow the native Garry Oak meadow to recover in their Vanier Forest Garry Oaks Project.
Redd Fish Restoration Society - creating wildlife trees and installing bat boxes along salmon bearing streams. Redd Fish was founded in 1995 by loggers, First Nations, biologists and forestry professionals who recognized the need to address the loss of habitat in order to preserve our wild fish stocks.

Preserving our local tree canopy Our program seeks to rehome small trees slated for removal so they can live on and provide benefits to local businesses. We'd love to hear from you if you have a tree to rehome or if your business would like to receive a tree.

Supporting the Comox Valley Horticultural Society
The Comox Valley Horticultural Society provides education, resources and networking opportunities for gardeners in the Comox Valley. We offer members a discount on select services.

Pruning Workshops & Speaking
Founder Aaron Wurts is available for speaking engagements, pruning workshops, and other educational events. His previous talks have covered the unforeseen consequences of pruning, tree stewardship, and maintenance strategies for incorporating trees in the urban environment.
Reach out if you would like him to speak at your organization's next event.
We are proud to sponsor values-aligned causes and events. One area dear to our heart is the continued education of arborists and we regularly sponsor the Soakin Loam arborist conference.
We'd love to hear from you if you're seeking sponsorship for your next event.